Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
![]() You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly. You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary. You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
mark nicodemus at 8:57 pm
The latest installment in the "10 Reasons Why I Hate ZZ Series". For the earlier two installments, please click here and here.
Anyway, its my turn.
10 Reasons Why I Hate ZZ
1. He is SO indecisive. Always waits for someone to make the decision so he can follow it.
2. He is SO subservient to all those in authority over him. Never stands up for himself.
3. Knows no shame in public. Does strange things like pick up wrapped boxes under Christmas trees in fast food joints.
4. Deeply sensitive.
5. Affected by what people think of his music. Often slips into mood swings if the commoents aren't exactly the most positive.
6. Show-off. Lets his fingers run up and down the piano and then complain that he played badly. So what does that make us lesser mortals?
7. Highly unsure of his own ability. And because of that, irritates people who obviously have less ability than him.
8. Too nice to everyone. Especially girls.
9. Keeps all his emotions bottled up. Never one to talk about his problems. Stand-offish.
10. Claims that if he really went after a girl, she'll fall madly in love with him. Oh pur-lease.
There you are folks, 10 solid reasons why i hate ZZ. Haha. Well, you know what, i don't. He's one of the best friends anyone could have and i'm sure we all know that. Here's just a little tribute to him after a pretty tough month for him.
Indeisiveness. You think its bad?
I say he's indecisive so nobody's sad.
Try to please eveyone lest someone gets mad,
Hey come on, that ain't really bad?
Listening to all those way over his age,
Just to prevent a war from being waged.
I bet it ain't a crime to make people smile,
Isn't that what really makes life worthwhile.
And what's wrong, tell me, to have a little fun?
Even if it means doing the weirdest things under the sun.
Sensitive? Sure, but well, who ain't?
We all are a teeny weeny bit, from sinner to saint.
Music, he'll tell you, "Its my life."
Bet he'll want his piano more than a bosomy wife.
Course he'll always be in a not-so-good mood,
Oh well, who's ever said he's solo's good?
Well above all, he's really nice,
Let's see, i'd say a lot nicer than Pow Sing Chicken Rice.
No offence there, its really not bad,
But compared to our dear friend? Nah, just a passing fad.
Sure girls will like him, of that i have no doubt.
Except sometimes his emotions remain in a clout.
But when he finds the girl he truly loves,
For her the heavens shall shake and the earth shall move.
Has he yet? Do we know?
As he'll say, "Yes and no".
So if you have a real grouse with him,
(And i hope its not just a fancy and whim,),
Go have your say,
As for me, there are only good things for the guy born on the 20th of May.
mark nicodemus at 11:37 am
14th of December. Something ALWAYS happens on the 14th of December. More about that in a minute. But first, to all my dear friends in the SFX Youth Choir, the word is epileptic. E-P-I-L-E-P-T-I-C. See you've all been having trouble blogging that word so there's the spelling for you, checked so i guess it must be right.
Here's a little walk back in my life.
14th December 2000
Wins first gold for Edward Becheras Choir in Hawaii. Results finally announced at night after a whole day of worrying that silver might be the colour of the trip, thanks to soprano ones (that is to say, me) going way off in Iddem dem Malida. So the results are announced at the beautiful church of St Augustine and the party begins.
And gosh what a party. We were posing for innocent photos with this high school choir see and they're much bigger than us even though they're only two years older. So there's this girl, she says, "they're so short!"
Alexius Yeo: "Yeah, we're so short!"
Another girl: "They're not short, they're sexy!"
Me: "Yeah, we're sexy."
Girl: "What's your name?"
Me: "Mark."
Girl: "Ooh, that's such a cute name..."
Me: "What's your name?"
Girl: "Jalyn."
Me: "Ooh, that's a cute name too..."
Jalyn and friends: "Ooh he's so cute, let's give him a kiss!"
Due to the worry that some of my readers may not yet be 16 years of age, i shall save myself the graphic descriptions. You get the idea. Well, to call those folks "girls" is a bit of an UNDERstatement. Okay, i exaggerate. Take away the words "a bit off". Anyway, i get teased mercilessly for the rest of the trip.
14th December 2001
My first scheduled solo. Oops, its cancelled. pretty good thing cause i couldn't sing a note in tune it seems. Well, jasper gets his first solo too. Except his is actually performed. Gabriel gets another shot at Gesu Bambino while ZZ and I are cast eternally into soloist obscurity. The less said the better.
14th December 2002
First ever combined EBC-SFX concert. Quite memorable with an outstanding performance by a Ms Natasha Hong. The song Special Moments is used for the first time. Kinda like a baptism, things just get really good from then on.
14th December 2003
Night before we leave for Genting for that competition. First time Catholic High would ever win a prestigious award. And boy, what a year it had already been. Found myself on this night at the attic of the church of the Holy Spirit listening to the Sanctus Spiritus Choir. Am also looking forward to my 3 months off from school, even if my parents aren't exactly the most delighted over that fact.
14th December 2004
Sitting at home. Waiting to go for practice later. What will transpire? Stay tuned to find out.
Anyway its DJ's last night in Singapore before a TWO WEEK HOLIDAY IN THE US. Gosh, some guys have all the luck. Well, bittersweet i guess. Between SFX concerts and the US, i'll choose that metallic blue, spaceman's suit of a uniform. Well, have a white Christmas mate. See you back in our equatorial, tropical heat soon.
Gonna go get me EBV outfit soon. Grey shirt, black pants, green tie. Ladies and gentlemen, the grasshoppers are back in business. Hur. Behold the Lamb's this saturday so see you all there!
mark nicodemus at 1:10 pm
Thanks a whole lot mikey! Absolutely insightful and brilliant post. Man, life's getting busy, never thought i'd be this busy ever but there you are. Hmmm, i need a little release. Oh, scrub your minds you mentally polluted lot. Release in a positive sense.. Let's see.. Ah, try poetry!
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Some poems rhyme,
Mine obviously doesn't.
Then again, maybe not.
Life, they say's, both cruel and kind,
Well surely, "they've" never been a part of mine.
Some folks curse and other blokes swear,
Others just grumble at the burdens they bear.
"I hate this life, man it sucks,
I need some way to exit this muck."
We moan all day, wish to groan all night,
And when we're done we go pick a fight.
When or who, it don't really matter,
All talk seems like mindless chatter.
"How's my face, is my acne better?
Or pick a dress, which one makes me look fatter?"
Vanity, jealousy, feeling blue or yellow,
Friendships and trust? Throw them out the window.
Suicidal thoughts cause life's really bad,
I cut myself yet i don't think i'm mad.
Clubbing and partying, with smokes and drinks,
Drowning them down like we're kitchen sinks.
Hey, what's important? Do we really care?
I guess not, now buzz off while i go comb my hair.
Wait, hold a sec, don't get me wrong,
This ain't no angsty hip-hop song.
Scroll back up to the first two lines,
I'm in this poem cause life IS kind.
Think bout it for a moment, would you rather me dead?
I know i wouldn't, though to make that happen some wouldn't hesitate.
But you know what, i don't care for that,
Popularity? Ha, i'd much rather eat a great dead rat.
Its a great life, get up and smell the coffee,
Swore off caffeine? Get a lemon tea.
Life's too short to think of death,
To ponder of tombstones adorned with wreaths.
All you gotta do is look at the trees,
Soak in the sun and feel the breeze.
To all my friends, you've made it worthwhile,
Now on your face plant a great big smile.
Before i get cheesy, (its running real late)
I better find my bed and get myself laid.
And if tomorrow i fail to rise
I tell you what'd be really nice.
Split my fortune among my friends,
One should get about 50 cents.
And please do get rid of these useless lines,
Lest others are seduced into wasting their times.
Thank you for sticking close to me,
Especially when Newcastle got whipped by Chelsea.
For the times you stood with me in the rut,
I owe you all the songs in my heart.
Life sucks? Nah, don't think it does,
Heck, i don't get what's the big damned fuss.
Look around you and perhaps you'll find,
More than enough reasons for your peace of mind.
mark nicodemus at 11:57 pm
Michael here. Mark was going to blog something but in his ever immortal words..."screw it". Tsk tsk such language. Someone needs to get his mouth cleaned.
lol...kidding. Anyway...this here fella is one good bloke to hang around with. =] So keep well mate!
mark nicodemus at 1:54 am